Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why am I here?

Because I occasionally like to surf blogger in the hope of finding something interesting... and I haven't yet.

Most blogs here seem to be filled with disgustingly-obsessive pics of cats, or yawn-inducing pics of home renovations, or worst of all... religious rants!

I'm OVER it! I'm here to rant & rave about what annoys me. Sometimes I might say something nice. But not very often.

So, if you a) have a blog that features 400 photos of your cats, or b) 'moderate' a blog that is written by your baby or your puppy (god grant me strength to not track you down & beat some sense into you), c) think either of the above are entertaining and a genuinely sensible use of bandwidth, or d) think you're clever by deleting the 'next blog' button so someone who accidentally lands on yours has to hit the back button to get away from your puerile rubbish.... GO AWAY!

This is a blog for people with common sense, and a healthy dose of disgust for the mentally inept. Take it or leave it.

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